


Hannes Alfvén Prize on Plasma Physics

The European Physical Society, through its Plasma Physics Division, will award a prize for outstanding contributions in theory or experiment in plasma physics. The prize will be called:

The Hannes Alfvén Prize of the European Physical Society for Outstanding Contributions to Plasma Physics


  1. The Prize will be awarded to one individual, or to a team of two or three, who has
    made an outstanding contribution to plasma physics, broadly interpreted. If the prize is
    awarded to a team, it will be divided equally.
  2. The Prize will be presented each year, circumstances permitting, at the opening session of the annual EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. The winning individual or team will be offered an invited talk at the conference.
  3. There is no age limitation; posthumous candidates cannot be accepted; no person may be awarded the Prize more than once.
  4. The Prize will be awarded without reference to non-scientific considerations.
  5. The Prize comprises a medal, a diploma with a citation, and a financial award. At present, the financial award is 5000 Euros.
  6. The chairperson of the Board of the Plasma Physics Division will request nominations for the Prize from experts in the field. Nominations will comprise the name and address of the proposer and nominee, a citation, and other supporting material including letters of recommendation if desired.
  7. Self-nominations for the Prize are not permitted; members of the Board of the Plasma Physics Division of EPS cannot be nominated.
  8. The Board of the EPS Plasma Physics Division will review the nominations and thereafter decide on the Prize winner by vote. The vote can be taken by written procedure. If the Board cannot reach a decision, the chairperson will decide after consultation. The decision should be reached at the end of the year preceding the presentation of the award. No legal steps can be taken against the decision.
  9. As with all Board discussions, the evaluation of nominations is strictly confidential. Board members must not discuss any aspect with third parties.
  10. The outcome will be notified to EPS.
  11. The chairperson of the Board of the EPS Plasma Physics Division will inform the winning individual or team. The outcome will be made public using Divisional and central EPS communications channels.

(revision approved by the Board of the EPS Plasma Physics Division, Sep. 23rd, 2021)
