Welcome to the web site of the Beam Plasma & Inertial Fusion (BP&IF) section of the Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS).

The section provides a forum for physicists working on plasma physics with high energy high power beams. The focus is on theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation of:

  • laser and particle beam interaction with plasmas,
  • hydrodynamics and instabilities in laser plasmas,
  • high-energy-density plasmas,
  • inertial confinement fusion,
  • laser- and plasma-based radiation and particle sources,
  • ultra-intense laser interaction,
  • high-field physics.

Board of the EPS-DPP BP&IF section

The composition of the Board can be found here.

The EPS condemns the continuing attacks by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.. Read the statement.Petition “Open letter from European scientists against the war with Ukraine” here.