EPS Plasma Physics Division – Election to the Board

In accordance with the statutes of the Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS-PPD), there are nine vacancies for incoming members of the Divisional Board. These will be filled by a process of direct election by the Individual Members of the EPS.

The term of service will be four years from summer 2025 to summer 2029, renewable by mutual agreement for a second four-year term. The first meeting that newly elected Board members are expected to attend will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania on Sunday 6th July 2025.

The continuing membership of the EPS-PPD Board 2020 to 2025 comprises:

  1. Kristel Crombé (chair)
  2. Hana Barankova
  3. David Burgess
  4. Mervi Mantsinen
  5. Ken McClements (Hon. Sec.)
  6. Brian Reville
  7. Caterina Riconda
  8. Monica Spolaore
  9. Luca Volpe – ex officio BPIF section

The duties of Board members are:

  1. to promote scientific excellence in plasma physics by rewarding researchers who have achieved outstanding results, through the extensive portfolio of prizes administered by EPS-PPD,
  2. to sustain and coordinate the Annual Conference on plasma physics, through the selection of each year’s Programme Committee and by identifying and supporting the flow of conference venues,
  3. to attend, in person, each of the two annual Board Meetings: one at the Annual Conference, and one at a European research centre in November or December,
  4. to be (or, after election, become) an Individual Member of the EPS; this typically requires the payment of a very modest fee, supplementary to membership of a national physical society.

Nominations, including self-nominations, of candidates for membership of the Board will open on the 1st of October 2024. After the close of nominations, candidates will be listed on this page together with links to their nomination forms. Please note that candidates must agree to serve if elected, subject to the conditions listed above; in addition, their home institute must agree to cover their travel expenses to all Board meetings.