EPS BPIF Board elections

The Election Committee registered 10 valid applications for the 3 open positions within the BPIF Board. At the end of the voting process, 92 bulletins were received. Among them, the Election Committee validated 85 bulletins, 7 bulletins being invalidated due to double inconsistent votes.

The results of the validated votes are given in the graph below.

The largest number of votes went to L. Gremillet, M. Kaluza and S. Depierreux. However, the Board members elected in one given round cannot be from the same country. Consequently, the Election Committee announces the final results of the elections.

Laurent Gremillet (CEA/DIF, France), Malte Kaluza (IOQ, FSU Jena, Germany) and Fabrizio Consoli (ENEA Frascati, Italy) are elected.

EPL Prizes for best research image/video and communication skills in plasma physics

2019 (all images and videos can be seen on the conference website here)

  • Images
    • M. Griener, IPP Garching (Germany) “Polychromator system for Helium Line Ratio Spectroscopy at ASDEX Upgrade”,
    • S. Smith, York University (UK) “MAST-U Super-X ELM simulation imaged by a simulated fast camera diagnostic”,
  • Videos
    • G. Blacard, CEA/Saclay (France) and LBNL (USA) “Orbital angular momentum transfer in two Laguerre Gaussian Beams”,
    • H. de Oliveira, EPFL (Switzerland) “Surviving in the Tokamak Heat”.